LIK Phototour Ireland 2025

€ 1.890,00


Thursday, 2025 February 18 - Sunday, February 20

LIK Photo Road Trip - great Landscapes and hidden Gems

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Thursday, 2025 February 18 - Sunday, February 20

LIK Photo Road Trip - great Landscapes and hidden Gems


Experience the magical coastal landscape of North West Ireland in our unique photography workshop that offers you the opportunity to rediscover photography. Under the guidance of Eric Berger, an expert who knows the area like the back of his hand, you will capture unforgettable images: The endless dunes of Bundoran Beach, picturesque villages and the quaint fishing harbour are waiting to be captured by your lens.

Get off the beaten track and enjoy a photo tour to the rugged cliffs, while hidden castle ruins and mudflats provide a mystical backdrop at low tide. Here, editorial photography and relaxed walks on the beach merge into an inspiring experience that will boost your photographic skills.

Don't let the changeable weather put you off - the cooler, rainy time makes the landscape shine in a unique light and creates a special, atmospheric mood. Experience sociable evenings in traditional Irish pubs, which offer the perfect end to a creative day.

Take a journey into your photographic zen and discover how the raw beauty of this region can change your perspective on photography. This workshop is not just a week of creative experiences, but a chance to reignite your passion for photography. Get involved and secure your place!

The Atlantic coast of north-west Ireland is our location for this photo workshop with a difference. Breathe in and experience photography and landscape! Eric Berger has already done more than twenty shoots in Ireland and knows the area like the back of his hand.

The motifs range from landscape shoots in the endless dunes of Bundoran Beach to motif collecting in romantic villages. A shoot in the fishing harbour will form a charming contrast to the photo hike up the steep cliffs. Hidden castle ruins meet mudflats at low tide, editorial photography meets a relaxing beach walk. Despite the programme, this is a week in which you can discover your photographic zen. Social evenings in Irish pubs are of course a must! The weather should not be a mood killer for you, it will probably be rainy and cool! Sun worshippers, please consider whether you want to be there in the rain.

Die Atlantikküste Nordwestirlands ist unsere Location für diesen Fotoworkshop der etwas anderen Art. Fotografie und Landschaft einatmen und erleben! Eric Berger hatte schon mehr als zwanzig Shootings in Irland gemacht und kennt die Gegend wie seine Westentasche.

Die Motive ziehen sich vom Landschaftshooting in den endlosen Dünen von Bundoran Beach über Motiv Collecting in romantischen Dörfern. Ein Shooting im Fischerhafen wird einen reizvollen Kontrast bilden zu der Fotowanderung auf die Steilklippen. Versteckte Burgruinen treffen auf Wattlandschaften bei Ebbe, Editorial Photography trifft entschleunigenden Beachwalk. Trotz Programm eine Woche in der Sie Ihr fotografisches Zen entdecken können. Gesellige Abende in irischen Pups dürfen natürlich nicht fehlen! Witterung darf kein Stimmungskiller für Sie sein, es wird voraussichtlich auch regnerisch und kühl sein! Sonnenanbeter bitte gut überlegen ob Ihr auch bei Regen dabei sein möchtet.


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