Large Format Photo Experience 2
Die Entwicklung des Films - Schwarz Weiß
Termin: nach Vereinbarung
Zeit: 4 Stunden
Sprache: Englisch / Deutsch
Teilnehmer: 2 - 4
Vorkenntnisse: Keine
Ziel: Erlernen der Schwarz Weiß Negativ Entwicklung
Inhalt: Theorie und Praxis Entwicklung Schwarz Weiß Negativ Film
Praxis: Entwicklung Ihres schwarz Weiß Negativ Films
Ort: Competa - Academia Fotografia y Diseno LIK S.L. oder nach Vereinbarung
Kosten: Euro 99.- / Person
oder als individuelles Einzelevent Euro 199.-
Whats App: +34 623 558 061
The analogue photo experience 2
The development of film - black and white
Date: by arrangement
Time: 4 hours
Language: English / German
Participants: 2 - 4
Previous knowledge: None
Objective: To learn how to develop black and white negative film
Content: Theory and practice developing black and white negative film
Practice: Developing your black and white negative film
Location: Competa - Academia Fotografia y Diseno LIK S.L. or by appointment
Cost: Euro 99.- / person
or as an individual single event Euro 199.-
Contact: Whats App: +34 623 558 061
Analogue Experience 2 - Film Development
The development of film - black and white
Date: by arrangement
Time: 4 hours
Language: English / German
Participants: 2 - 4
Previous knowledge: None
Objective: To learn how to develop black and white negative film
Content: Theory and practice developing black and white negative film
Practice: Developing your black and white negative film
Location: Competa - Academia Fotografia y Diseno LIK S.L. or by appointment
Cost: Euro 99.- / person
or as an individual single event Euro 199.-
Contact: Whats App: +34 623 558 061
Cost: Euro 99.- / person
or as an individual single event Euro 199.-
Contact: Whats App: +34 623 558 061